
As well as being a holiday destination Pizzo is a living community of people all-year round, getting through the day but also celebrating birthdays, weddings , ..etc

another wedding photo opportunity
It has its own social life , apart from visitors.  Weddings in Pizzo offer great photo opportunities and brides promenade up the piazza frequently to general acclaim.  Here below is a communal birthday party for a young Bulgarian child.  The young grow up and develop, ducks, geese or whateever on land or sea ( in Seggiola).  Evenings are lively too as in the piazza  (below left ) but shops are still open and do business.   The tables spead across from the Pantheon Bar while the people stop to gossip.  Football fans watched the European Finals 2008 in SPQR.  (Next up is the world cup from South Africa).  The autostrada runs close by but there is time for a coffee outside Bar Incontro where we go after the weekly market, (for €1 cappucino!) and before the supermarket visit.


Dressing up and doing the Pizzo magic; for religious or historical reasons

Murat's castle is a museum but it also hosts weddings, socials and other important events.  The photo show a re-enactment in period clothes.  Religious feasts are celebrated by the whole town and involve processions, fireworks, dressing up, and usually end up at the piazza in the company of the drinkers and those having their dinner! Platforms are erected and open-air concerts are frequent in August especially.  The houses are also decorated, typically Italian.  This one (see below) is down  in the marina.  St Francis di Paola is a favourite and his statue is carried around the town on his feastday.  The photo shows it exiting the church of his name and the next photo shows it on its way down the main corso, followed by a retinue of gaily-coloured/shirted members of the town band...
